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Career & Employment

Chicago Tribune Career Builder
This site contains a searchable database of jobs from all over the world. You may search using keywords, by company, and by fields of interest, or you can search for jobs by location. Post your resume, compare your salary to what you would earn in other cities, or read articles related to job searching. An interesting feature is the “hourly” job search. There are links to local events and resources.
This database of jobs is searchable by keywords, job category, and/or location. Choose to browse jobs by company, state, or country. You may post your resume for potential employers to view.
This site is specifically geared toward college students and recent graduates. You may search for jobs and internships or post your resume to the site. You can also create a profile that will be used to match you with potential employers.

Chicago Reader
This is the online version of the Chicago Reader’s job section. Jobs are divided into categories based on: salary, whether they are full or part-time, and by broad job types such as clerical, sales, etc. Jobs are from the Chicago area and nearby suburbs.

Pioneer Press Classifieds
Suburban classifieds/jobs may be searched here.

Writing a Resume
Create a free resume and cover letter on this site. You are guided step-by-step through each part of the resume and letter, and your information is saved. You may e-mail, print, and/or post your resume and cover letter; you can also create a web site.

Suburban Library System Library Jobs List
Search for Illinois suburban library jobs here. There are mostly public library job postings, but there are occasional school or special library listings that may be found.

Illinois Library Association Library Jobs List
Illinois library jobs listings are found here.

Dominican University Library Jobs List
This is Dominican University’s library jobline. Several jobs are in Illinois, but out-of-state jobs are also found here.