Melrose Park
- Community Information:
- Melrose Park Government - Village information and statistics about Melrose Park.
- Schools - A listing of schools and districts.
- Local Newspapers
- Business
- Churches
- Historic Melrose Park
Melrose Park Government
Village of Melrose ParkIllinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs’ profile of Melrose Park, Illinois. Information included in the site ranges from population statistics to economic development.
District 89 Elementary SchoolsFenwick High School
Proviso Township High Schools
Sacred Heart School
St. Paul Lutheran School
Triton College
Trinity High School
Walther Lutheran High School
Immaculate Conception High School
Melrose Park HeraldChoose the Melrose Park Herald link from the dropdown box in the middle of Pioneer Press' page.
Melrose Park Chamber of CommerceChurches
Sacred Heart ChurchSt. Paul Lutheran
Historic Melrose Park
Historic Photos of Melrose ParkFrom the Chicago Historical Society, this site is a collection of historic photographs from the archives of the Chicago Daily News covering the years 1902-1933. Included are a series of photos showing the aftermath of a 1920 tornado in Melrose Park and several photos related to a 1910 Melrose Park bank robbery. To access these photos, use the "Search" feature and enter "Melrose Park" as your keyword.