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Bookmarks or Favorites
Lists of frequently used Web locations and URLs. In Internet Explorer, bookmarks are called favorites.

Cable Modem
A modem that plugs into a cable network to provide Internet access, typically for homes or small businesses. It receives Internet data over the same type of cable that cable television uses.

A relationship in which one computer (the client) requests information from another computer program (the server). The term refers to the architecture on which the Web is built – the client/server system.

A Web script designed to retrieve information about you, the site visitor. Cookies build profiles of what users buy, where they are browsing from, etc. Browsers may be set up to either accept or reject cookies.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a high speed data service offered by telephone companies that works over existing copper telephone lines.

Mail that's electronically transmitted by your computer. Email is short for electronic mail.

A sequence of typed characters that create a rough picture of something, such as a facial expression.

The document displayed when you first open a Web browser. Browsers may be set up to open to the page of choice. Home page can also refer to the first document at a specific Web site.

An acronym for hypertext markup language, HTML is the formatting language used to tag various parts of a Web document so browsing software will display that document’s links, text, graphics, and attached media.

The abbreviation for hypertext transfer protocol, HTTP is used to link and transfer hypertext documents.

Instant Messaging (IM)
A technology that gives users the ability to identify people online and to exchange messages with them. Examples include Yahoo Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger.

A computerized network of networks used worldwide.

Search Engine
A software program that uses a keyword or directory structure to search for information in websites and databases.

World Wide Web
A collection of graphical pages on the Internet that can be read and interacted with.