Illinois On-line Databases
From the Illinois State Archives, this site provides access to databases of Illinois veterans (War of 1812 through the Spanish-American War), the Illinois Statewide Death Index (1916-1950), Illinois Servitude and Emancipation Records and the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index (1763-1900). Click here for access to the Illinois State Archives series of pamphlets on genealogical research.
Ellis Island On-line
The official site for Ellis Island allows you to search for ancestors who may have passed through here from 1892 to 1924.
Family Search from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Created and maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, this site lets you search by last names through the church's Ancestral File, International Genealogical Index and Pedigree Resource File.
Roots Web Genealogical Site
"The oldest and largest free online community for genealogists," this site includes links to dozens of genealogy related sites and resources. Family History
This site has not only United States census records but also includes census records from the United Kingdom.