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Illinois Board of Elections
Operated by the Illinois State Board of Elections, this site provides information on how to register to vote, how to file as a candidate for a local or state office and how to find out who your state and federal representatives are.

State of Illinois
The official State of Illinois website, this site includes information on current Illinois-related news items, Illinois facts, a how-to section (including renewing license plates, getting prescription drug assistance or purchasing a fishing license) and Illinois vacation planning. This site also offers links to many State of Illinois agencies.

Illinois Constitution
This site has the text of the entire State of Illinois Constitution, including its articles and proposed amendments.

Illinois Circuit Breaker Program
This is the site for the Illinois Circuit Breaker/Pharmaceutical Assistance Program. Downloadable application forms and information on the eligibility requirements are available here. Also offers some information in Spanish.

Illinois Tollway
From the Illinois State Highway Toll Authority, this site provides information on the I-Pass, tollway lane closures and construction and tollway maps.