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NASA Photographs
The NASA Image Exchange (NIX) allows the user to view over 450,000 photos from the NASA archives. Searchable using keywords.

Space Shuttle
This official site from NASA is devoted to human spaceflight and includes extensive information on the loss of the shuttle Columbia.

Photos of the Solar System and Universe
Maintained by Oklahoma State University and NASA, this site provides access to images of the solar system, the earth and the universe in general.
Aimed at amateur astronomers, this site provides information on current and upcoming celestial events. This site also has a “Today’s News” section and a discussion forum as well as links to other astronomy related resources.


Frog Anatomy
This site from the University of Virginia offers a step by step tutorial on how to dissect a frog. Intended for high school level students, the tutorial also describes the anatomy of frogs. QuickTime is necessary.

Biology for Beginners
A site for children with a beginning interest in biology, it provides information on scientific methods and basic biological concepts. This site also features many easy to understand illustrations and photos.

This directory of insects includes information on how to identify, raise or control them. This site also offers links to research sources and journals as well as links to pest control companies.

National Institute of Health
This site from the National Institute of Health has sections on the human brain, genetics and cloning. Also available in Spanish.


Created by the US Department of Energy, this site provides information on the use of renewable plants as sources for energy. It also includes facts on environmentally friendly fuels such as ethanol, methanol and biodiesel.

Home Energy Savings
Sponsored by the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, “the Home Energy Saver is designed to help consumers identify the best ways to save energy in their homes, and find the resources to make the savings happen”. This site offers an “Ask an Expert” feature, links to your hometown utility company and a glossary of energy-related terms.

Wind Power
Another site from the Department of Energy, this site furnishes information on using wind as a source for power. It provides details on the technology being developed by the National Wind Technology Center in Colorado as well as links to other sites related to renewable energy resources.

From the Energy Information Administration, this site provides facts about coal production and usage and has information on subjects such as acid rain, carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases.


Ozone and Air Quality
Sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this site provides information on air quality (particularly as it relates to ozone) throughout the United States, including forecasts, maps, health facts and other educational resources.

Global Warming
From Public Television's Nova and Frontline series, this site describes the consequences of melting polar ice caps, how our energy usage affects global warming and provides links to other energy-related sites.

Satellite Images of the Earth from the USGS
From the United States Geological Survey (USGS), this site features images of the earth from the Landsat satellites. These images focus primarily upon environmental changes occurring on the planet, including topics such as agriculture, desert, forests and water.

Environmental Literacy
From the Environmental Literacy Organization, this site attempts to give students and teachers information on how our “health, living conditions, transportation infrastructure, technologies, economic future and our relationship with nature are all shaped by environmental actions.” This site also features an “Ask an Expert” science advisory service.


Amazon Rainforest
From Public Television, this site describes the Amazon rainforest and some of the unique creatures living there. It also includes a teacher’s resource page and links to other Amazon-related pages on the PBS website.

North American Natural History
Concentrating on the natural history of North America, this site offers information on topics including the continent’s environment, its wildlife and its plant life as well as links to various conservation organizations. A very large site, Nearctica has a good, usable index and also features keyword searches – the only drawback is the number of ads populating the site.

From the University of North Dakota, this site offers lists and photos of current volcanic eruptions, links to other volcano sites and an "Ask a Volcanologist" feature.

US Fish and Wildlife Service
From the US Fish and Wildlife Service, this site includes information from its nine different regions across the country as well as links to topics such as birds, endangered species, fisheries and wetlands.