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Internet Users' Agreement

The Melrose Park Public Library provides patrons access to a number of computer services including the Internet, periodical databases, and word processing software. These services are available on the personal computers and Macintosh workstations located in the adult services department and the children’s room. Patrons wishing to use these services are expected to follow the rules outlined below. Those failing to abide by the rules may face suspension of their library privileges.

Use of the workstations is limited to Melrose Park Public Library cardholders and registered reciprocal borrowers (we will make exceptions for out-of-state users) who have signed a User Agreement form. Residents with library cards may use the workstations free of charge. Non-residents who want to use the Internet will be charged a flat rate of $3.00. Employees of a business located within the Village of Melrose Park may use the workstations for free by presenting employee identification such as a company identification card, payroll check, letter with company letterhead, etc.

Computer workstation users must sign in at either the adult or children’s services desks and must be in good standing with the library. First-time Internet users must sign a User Agreement form. Parents or legal guardians are required to sign the User Agreement form for Children under the age of 18. Just as library cards are non-transferable, separate User Agreements must be filled out for, and by, each family member. After signing the User Agreement, patrons will have their library card punched to indicate an agreement is on file at the Library.

Use of the workstations is restricted to one half hour while others are waiting, with Melrose Park residents having priority over non-residents. Workstations will be available for use from the time the library is opened until fifteen minutes before it closes. A maximum of two card-holding patrons may use a single workstation at any given time.

The library does not monitor or control the content of any of the sources which it provides access to and therefore cannot be held responsible for inaccurate or false information. Parents should responsibly supervise their children’s computer and Internet usage.

Illegal/prohibited use of the public access computers will result in suspension of computer privileges and may lead to loss of Library privileges. Illegal acts may be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.